Nearly every informed person today is trying to look slim and trim and gain wider acceptance from the society in general. With each passing day, newer ways are being tried for losing weight faster and in a better manner. A sedentary lifestyle with lack of enough exercise and excessive stress and gorging on junk foods makes the body bulkier and it can become very difficult for an average person to lose weight fast. Water fasting weight loss program is one of the newer ways being tried for losing excess pounds faster from the body. Read on to know why and how it works in weight reduction.
It can eliminate all traces of toxins
Water fasting helps eliminate all types of impurities and toxins from the body, which can make the glands and organs work harder in order to make the metabolism as normal as possible. However, the accumulation of these impurities slow down the metabolism and the body is unable to burn up already existing fat as well as calories entering the system. Consumption of enough water can flush out all toxins from blood and restore normalcy to the metabolism.
It can make you feel more filled up
Another way water fasting works is by making you feel more filled up. By consuming more glasses of water, and no food, you can feel filled without having the urge to have something solid. By cutting off the intake of solid foods, this type of fasting allows you to stop the intake of calories. Thus, your body is forced to use up the fatty deposits in your body in order to produce energy that is needed for daily physical activities. There is no need to target specific areas of the body as the process involves burning up fat from all areas of the body instead of one, thus making you look proportionate.
It can strengthen your immunity
By eliminating all types of toxins from your system, it can give a boost to your immune system and make it stronger than before. This helps your entire body and all the organs and glands of your body are repaired and strengthened and natural functioning is restored to them. With proper functioning of the glands and organs, your body can metabolize fat faster and in a much easier manner.
It can cleanse your bowel
When your body takes nothing but water, your bowel gets cleansed completely. The digestive system can get enough time to recover and get back to its original state. The mucosal lining of the intestines is strengthened and toxins are prevented from coming back into the bloodstream. It is often recommended that distilled water be used for the fasting process, given its power to absorb more amounts of toxins from the bowel due to its natural magnetic properties. Filtered and spring water are also highly recommended.
However, many people using water fasting weight loss process experience low sugar problems, dryness of skin, acute fatigue and various other issues in the initial stages. Drinking fruit juice is thus recommended for first-time water fasters.
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